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1 of 8

Which of the following are you responsible for in your role?

Select all that apply
2 of 8

Which of the following products are you currently buying or specifying?

Select all that apply
3 of 8

For the products you currently specify or buy, would the consequences of product failure be life altering or life threatening?

Select one answer per row
  • Life altering
  • Life threatening
  • Unsure

Safety Footwear


Eye and Face Protection

Head Protection

Hearing Protection


Fall Management

4 of 8

What do you consider to be your biggest risk, when it comes to PPE?

Select one answer
5 of 8

How do you currently ensure that all PPE used in your organisation is fit for purpose?

Select all that apply
6 of 8

As you understand it, what level of assurance does the CE mark provide?

Select one answer
7 of 8

Which of the following actions do you take to have confidence that the products you specify will perform to the standards claimed?

Select all that apply
8 of 8

As you understand it, who is liable for an incident involving non-complaint CE marked PPE?

Select one answer

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